Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Infatuation is a feeling; real love involves a commitment also. Infatuation is just love of emotion. Real love, though, is love of devotion. Only the emotions are affected in infatuation, but in real love both the emotions and the will are involved. Next, a person "fall into" infatuation, but "grows into" real love. Guys, have you ever seen a girl who was so beautiful that you thought you'd faint? This is infatuation! It is based totally on physical attraction; often you don't know much in-depth about the person you so-called love. Thus, infatuation is mostly biological. Also remember, never tell a girl you love her, unless you are willing to marry her.
Infatuation is basically selfish where real love is basically selfless . Infatuation is more interested in satisfying yourself and the "feeling" than it is in the other person. Real love is primarily interested in the other person. It seeks to give instead of get.. Love unselfishly seeks the highest good for the other person. Lastly, infatuation is weakened by time and separation where real love is strengthened by time and separation. This does not mean that there will be no pain in separation. On the contrary, there is great pain in separation if you are truly in love.
Love is patient. The word translated "patient" means to wait patiently for the fulfillment of expectations. When you have diffculty dating this girl and she does not want to come out, if you truly love her, you will not complain and blame her, you must look at the situation from her point of view - maybe she is having some problems which prevented her from coming out. You must react to it with patience and understanding. Next, have you ever met someone you liked so much that you wanted to push the relationship and make it progress faster? Sure you have! Love, however, is willing to give a relationship time to grow at a natural pace. It does not push but is willing to wait for the relationship to grow at a rate that is satisfactory to both parties. Love is Kind. Love seeks to encourage and build up others. It respects the feelings and emotions of others.. It finds its greatest satisfaction in making others happy.
1)Give one another things such as gifts and encouragment cards.
2)Compliment one another. Magnify the other party's strength.
3)Listen to one another. Pay close attention to what each of you has to say and make each other feel that what each says is important.
4)Treat one another special in public. Compliment and encourage one another sincerely in the presence of others... ...

Love....is Not jealous;
is Not brag;
is Not arrogant;
always perseveres;
is Not provoked;
does Not act unbecomingly;
is forgiving;
always cover(close one eye when he/she did something wrong).

1 comment:

TZ said...

wow! now you sound like a love expert leh! good work hor.