Monday, August 21, 2006

14 signs that You've fallen in love

14.You look at his/her pictures or photos all the time;

13.When You are on the phone with him/her late at night and he/she hang up,You'll still miss him/her even though it's just two minutes ago;

12.You read his/her sms-es/msgs over and over again;

11.You walk really slow when You are with him/her;

10.You feel shy whenever he/she is around;

09.When You think about him/her,Your heart beats faster and slower at the same time;

08.You smile when You hear his/her voice;

07.When You look at him/her,You can't see the rest of the people around you.All You could see
is him/her;

06.You start listening to love songs while thinking about him/her;

05.He/she is all that You think about;

04.You get high just from his/her scent;

03.You realised that You are always smiling to yourself when You think about him/her;

02.You would do anything for him/her or anything to see him/her;

01.While reading this,there's ONE person on your mind all the time.

How true!

1 comment:

TZ said...

So, are you in love? girl.