Thursday, August 21, 2014

Yellow Dog Project

Are you a dog owner who often brings your beloved pooch out for walks but constantly worries about aggressive dogs approaching it and hurting it? I do worry as I have heard many real life stories about injured dogs, be it minor injury or major.

I have heard of 1) dogs who have lost their eyes 2) dogs with sewn up wounds on their body 3) scratched nose 4) shorten tail 5) bitten ears ... due to aggressive dog attacks.

These dogs may not be aggressive in nature, their actions are sometimes due to fear or pain or others.

The Yellow Dog Project is a good movement whereby dog owners with dogs that need space, tie a yellow ribbon on its leash to warn others that their dog is a dog who needs space aka Do Not Disturb.

Do you have a dog who needs space, kindly tie a yellow ribbon on its leash.

Love & Respect Canine, because your dog loves you all his entire life.

#yellowdogproject #Singapore #dogs

1 comment:

Avoid Negativity said...

Positivity is something that almost everyone strives to achieve, and there always seem to be people preaching how they can do so. From motivational speakers teaching people to go and bring a positive good to the world, to books detailing how you can remove negativity and hate from your life, positive thoughts are always being forced onto everyone, even if they don't want them, and they'd have a very good reason not to.