Saturday, March 06, 2010


I HATE people who tell fallacious tales of me to the public.
I HATE people who says deceptive comments about me.
I HATE people who talk/plan about me behind my bad.
I HATE all people who are close to me but lied and BETRAYED me.
I gave him chances,he blowed them.
I gave her chances,she blowed them.
I gave them chances,they blasted them time and again.
I gave her chances,believing that she really had changed,NO,she blasted it,BIG TIME.
I gave him time,lots of it but did he treasure them?NO.Only when he sees the serious-ness.
I tolerated her,but it doesn't mean she could try to decide MY stuffs behind my back.
Where is the trust?
What is trust?
I really don't know anymore.
I'll not fall.

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